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Brussels Health Safety Label

Geschrieben am in die Kategorie Aktu

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This label, intended for players in tourism and culture in Brussels, is granted by visit.brussels to institutions that comply with measures in accordance with current standards in force and apply the prevention rules specific to their sector.

Since August 17, 2020, and after analysis of our file by the international certification organisation SOCOTEC, Train World has been labeled "Brussels Health Safety Label". This means that we respect the strict safety rules of the label's protocol, and by doing so, we promise you a safe visit.

The objectives of the label are:

  • Informing and reassuring the national and international public about the measures being taken by the brussels tourist venues and sites they plan to visit ;
  • Ensuring that the mandatory general rules applicable to all sectors as well as those specific to each sector are adhered to.

Establishments granted with the label will be subject to random checks implemented by visit.brussels certification partner, SOCOTEC, which has been active in the world of security for over 20 years. The purpose of these checks will be to ensure that it is put into practice and that the rules necessary to obtain it are respected.

More info on the label here.



Heute ist Train World von 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr geöffnet (Schalter geöffnet bis 15:30 Uhr).
