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Trains through the lens of Joop Quanjer

Steam locomotives: Dutchman Joop Quanjer (1908-1988) was passionate about them. He was primarily interested in Dutch, Belgian and English engines. During his many journeys, he captured plenty on film.
At the time, there were no railway associations in the Netherlands as found in the UK. At the age of 23, he founded the Netherlands Association of Railway and Tram Enthusiasts (Nederlandse Vereniging van Belangstellenden in het Spoor- en tramwegwezen or NVBS). He was a board member of this organisation for many years.
His meticulous examination of the locomotive fleet provides us with a lot of information. His photos are black-and-white but he had a phenomenal memory when it came to the colours of the steam trains.
After his death in 1988, NMBS/SNCB was offered the opportunity to acquire a large part of his collection relating to the Belgian steam locomotives. Have a look at some of his best photographs here, which were taken between 1926 and 1958.
To view more photos, please click here to access the database.



Today we're open from 10:00 until 17:00 (last admission at 15:30).
