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Your donations in the spotlight (2)

This beautiful photo album from 1950 was given to us in 2018. It’s a valuable record of everyday moments in the life of the railways 70 years ago. The photos were taken in and around the Antwerp Zuid and Antwerp-Kiel stations and show railway staff, buildings, fan of sidings, signals, etc.
The album contains 24 pages and 61 photos (originally, there were 63, but two have disappeared over time). It was probably given to the station-master – who appears in the second photo – on his retirement. However, this is only a theory. Now safely stored for the future in the NMBS/SNCB collection, it is being put on display for you.



An interesting donation

The historic collections of NMBS/SNCB are very varied and focus on the history of the Belgian railway in all its facets. A large part of these collections has been acquired within the railway group. The other part comes from donations from individuals, associations or other railway companies.
Whether they are small donations (such as a photo or a book) or large donations which form a collection in themselves, we consider them all equally valuable!
Over the years, we have acquired thousands of items in this way. They have been added progressively to our historical database. In this section, from time to time, we put one of them in the spotlight.

Today we're open from 10:00 until 17:00 (last admission at 15:30).
