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The actors of the expo

Scientific committee

To design this exhibition that is at once both poetic and scientific, Train World called on four specialists of the animal kingdom, of climate change and rail transportation. These signatures of note all bear witness to a shared desire to protect our environment.

Jean-Pascal van Ypersele


With a PhD in physics, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele is a Belgian climatologist and climatology and environmental science professor at UCLouvain (Earth and Life Institute). Former Vice President of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), he is officially a candidate for the presidency.


Jean-Pascal van Ypersele feels that it is essential, and possible, to sharply reduce emissions caused by fossil fuels and deforestation. His work as a researcher is concentrated around the study of climate disruptions from a multidisciplinary perspective. He regularly advises politicians or economists. Founder of the Walloon platform for IPCC, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele feels that it is essential to share, as widely as possible, knowledge relating to climate change, its risks as well as the solutions for reducing its seriousness.

Caroline Nieberding


Doctor in biological science, Caroline Nieberding is a professor in evolution, biogeography and molecular ecology at UCLouvain (Earth and Life Institute), where she leads the Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution team.

She is also the scientific advisor to the #TogetherForBiodiversity movement. Comprising around a hundred institutions and citizen's associations, this movement is the largest national grouping active in the field of biodiversity. Caroline Nieberding feels that one of the only ways possible to stop the biodiversity crisis is by severely reducing land usage devoted to non essential human activities like producing industrially farmed meat.


In 2019, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele and Caroline Nieberding founded, an awareness action and website intended to highlight the common points that threaten the climate and biodiversity and the combined solutions proposed by Belgian experts.


Jeroen Alting von Geusau


Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility department at SNCB.


For over 14 years now, Jeroen Alting von Geusau has worked in the railway sector in Belgium and the Netherlands and he has extensive experience in international trade. His current assignment, with his team, comprises defining, coordinating and developing the environmental and energy policy for SNCB.


Trains constitute a sustainable alternative for moving around both within Belgium and beyond our borders. This sustainable mode of transportation benefits from a minimal carbon footprint. This is a major benefit when it comes to meeting the environmental challenges we are facing.


Pascale Heylen


Heads the Sustainability department at Infrabel.

Passionate about sustainable growth and the railway world, Pascale Heylen has been working at Infrabel, in favour of sustainable growth for over ten years now. As Sustainability Manager, with her team, she aims to strengthen the railway sector as the backbone of sustainable mobility.

Infrabel acts to limit the impact of its activities on the environment and climate so much as possible and is adapting the Belgian railway network to face the effects of climate change. The environmental value is part of Infrabel's DNA as they have implemented a number of projects to protect and boost biodiversity throughout their infrastructures. Infrabel is also committing to an environmentally friendly circular economy by reducing the use of raw materials, extending service lives and reusing materials.


Infrabel and the railway companies, including SNCB, are working together on tomorrow's mobility solutions, discussing with their partners, as part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and with you!


Today we're open from 10:00 until 17:00 (last admission at 15:30).
